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Home Fall Aeration and Overseeding Services in Tulsa

Fall Aeration and Overseeding Services in Tulsa

Home Fall Aeration and Overseeding Services in Tulsa

There’s a better way to care for your lawn.

Fall Aeration and Overseeding Services in Tulsa

Fall Aeration and Overseeding – Tulsa. If your lawn is in rough shape after a dry summer, or the grass is beginning to look chronically thin, then aeration and overseeding can get it looking lush and green again.

These lawn care techniques, which are most effective when done in the early fall, work in tandem to grow new, healthy grass on your lawn while also invigorating the old grass. When you hire a company that specializes in fall aeration and overseeding, your lawn is in safe hands.

How will overseeding and aerating help your lawn?

Over-seeding is when you spread new grass seed over the turf that’s already there. This fills in the areas damaged by drought, insects or diseases, while thickening the existing lawn and helping it fight future dangers. Over-seeding is most effective with cool season grasses, such as ryegrass or Kentucky bluegrass, and on larger areas that are thin but not bare. (Smaller areas can be spot-speeded.)

After aerating, apply a starter lawn fertilizer, then broadcast grass seed mix using the overseeding rates listed. The new seed should be watered frequently but lightly, keeping the seed and soil moist until it develops.

Protect your lawn from any problem right now

Currently, we offer Fall Aeration and Overseeding in Tulsa, Oklahoma; Fort Smith and Springdale, Arkansas; Memphis, Tennessee; Huntsville, Alabama; and Greenville, South Carolina areas. If you have shade grass in your lawn, and don’t want to do the fall overseeding yourself, please call us for a free estimate. We usually do overseedings in mid to late September.

Use our services and gain these benefits

Once you start using our services

  • Your lawn will be looking better than ever, there will be new plant growth and subsequent thickening that will provide an aesthetically pleasing property.
  • Overseeding helps on new grass varieties to grow, which helps the lawn resist diseases and insect attacks.
  • As lawn thickening will be happening, it’ll be better suited to crowd out weeds.

Contact us and now and keep thick and lush grass all seasons

Fall Aeration and Overseeding – Tulsa