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Home Fairway Employee Spotlight: Jermey Yarbrough

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Fairway Employee Spotlight: Jermey Yarbrough


In honor of Veteran’s Day, we’d like to spotlight one of our favorite military men here at Fairway, Jermey Yarbrough. We sat down with him last week and really enjoyed his opening up to us and answering our questions. We have the privilege of working with Jermey, Field Manager for Fairway, and sharing his story. 

 Q: What made you decide to go into military service?

A: My father and grandfather were in the military and spent some time overseas. I always respected them and at the age of 17, I felt that urge and need to serve my country. I joined my junior year of high school in March of 2000. Fast forward fifteen years and I now serve as Sergeant First Class in HHC 1-153rd INF 39th INCT out of Malvern, AR.

Q: What was your experience in the service like?

A: I love being in the army national guard. I feel like it has made me a better person overall. I have friends all over the world now. I never really thought about anything in foreign affairs until I joined the army, so it’s opened my eyes.

Q: Why did you decide to work for Fairway Lawns and what is your experience like working there?

A: Well, I was just returning from my first deployment and there wasn’t a lot of options out there and I read the ad that Fairway Lawns had placed in the newspaper. It sounded like a good company that cared about its employees. I also really loved the fact that I would get to work outside as well. Fairway Lawns has been a blessing to my family. I love that I work here, and I look forward to many more years with Fairway.

Q: What is your favorite thing to do in your lawn? 

A: I love to lay in my hammock and watch my kids play.

Q: What’s the most common mistake you see when people try to take care of their lawn treatments themselves?

A: I would say their timing and not using the proper lawn treatment products.

We’d like to thank Jermey – Field Manager, Lawn Treatment Expert, Sergeant, Dad, Friend – again for serving his country and Fairway.

Jermey Blog