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September Monthly Spotlight: Oklahoma
September 23, 2015
Fairway Lawns is happy to serve 7 states in the southern part of the United States. September’s state special feature is Oklahoma!
Bermudagrass and Zoysia grass are the main warm season grasses commonly planted in Oklahoma. These grasses thrive in hot summers.
Several cool season species are also found, such as Tall Fescue and Kentucky Bluegrass. They are most often used in areas that have higher shade. These grasses can be planted in full sun lawns, but Oklahoma in particular will require supplemental watering to help them survive the summer.
Common Oklahoma lawn pests include beetles, cutworms, lace bugs, harvester ants, American dog ticks, and digger wasps.
Typical weeds include white and sweet clover, stinging nettle, sandburs, ragweed, red sorrel, and marestail.
Oklahoma boasts some beautiful lawns and if you have any concerns or questions about yours, let us know! We post helpful tips and links on our Facebook page and Twitter.