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Home Things to Do (and not to do) in Winter Lawn Care

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Things to Do (and not to do) in Winter Lawn Care

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Lawn care often takes a break in the winter season. Especially once snow hits the ground. You can’t mow or water your lawn while frost covers it. And all you want to do is hibernate and stay warm. But that doesn’t mean that your yard needs to go forgotten! There are things you can do (and should NOT do) to ensure it comes out on the other end of winter ready to grow lush and green in the spring. And when it does you’ll be thankful you put the effort into winter lawn care.

Limit Walking

Whenever possible, try to keep from walking on your lawn. Packing the snow into the ground makes it harder for it to thaw when the temperatures warm up and makes your lawn more susceptible to disease.

Shovel Less

However, don’t try to shovel or get rid of the snow from your grass. Some snow can actually be good for the roots of the grass since it works as a winter lawn care insulator and as the snow thaws it will provide much-needed moisture for your lawn.

Set Boundaries

Add markers – preferably reflective – to the boundary lines of your lawn that separate the grass from the driveway or the road so that you don’t accidentally go out to shovel the driveway and wind up digging up some holes in the lawn.

Say “No” to Salt

Use sand to melt ice or relieve the slickness of the driveway or ground surrounding your lawn instead of salt. Salt is damaging to the grass and plants and might reverse the effectiveness of your winter lawn care.

Protect Plants

If you have any freestanding plants near or around the road, remove them and place them closer to your home to avoid the slush, ice, and salt that will inevitably be thrown onto your lawn from passing cars and plow trucks.