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Home Lawn 101 Grass Types

Grass Types

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Home Lawn 101 Grass Types

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Grass Types

We frequently talk to people who don’t know what kind of grass they have in their lawn, or where to plant what type, so we hope to shed a little light on the different types of grasses we see in our service area (AR, FL, OK, TN, AL, GA, SC, and northern MS), as well as outline some of the pros and cons of each type.

Grasses are either warm-season grasses or cool-season grasses. Surprisingly, very few of the grasses grown in the United States are native to our country. Most were brought over from other countries and then adapted through new varieties and cultivars.

A quick guide to common types.

Not sure what kind of grass you have? Find your match below.

There are a multitude of grass varieties, but there are basically only 2 grass types: cool season type grasses and warm season type grasses. Below we list the most common types of grass found in the markets that we serve.

  • GrassType Bermuda


    A hardy full-sun grass that thrives in hot weather.

    Warm season + full sun

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  • GrassType Centipede


    A slow-growing, warm season grass native to China and SE Asia.

    Warm season + full sun

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  • GrassType StAugustine

    St. Augustine

    A course, perennial, warm season grass

    Warm season + full sun

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  • Zoysia


    Zoysia grass is a fine to medium-textured warm season grass.

    Warm season + full sun

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  • Fescue


    This cool season grass is recommended for shady lawns.

    Cool season + shade

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