Lawn Disease Control
Put our experienced lawn technicians to work in your yard.
Weed control, fertilizer, tree & shrub care, lawn aeration, insect control…our team has it covered when it comes to keeping your yard healthy.
The knowledge you need to prevent and treat lawn disease.
Avoid severe damage by learning what diseases target your grass.
Schedule my estimateThere are several lawn diseases that could damage your turf. The best way to prevent lawn diseases is to keep your lawn healthy through proper mowing, watering, and fertilizing, but even still, your yard can be affected. While all grass types can become infected, some are more susceptible to lawn diseases than others. When the environmental conditions are favorable, lawn diseases can get out of control pretty quickly, so it is best to contact a professional to manage them right away. Lawn Disease Control.
Fairway Lawns is committed to providing you with the best lawn care services. We use the highest quality products, like natural liquid lawn aeration, to treat your lawn and help it live up to its full potential. With our advanced applications, we can help protect your valuable landscape from damaging diseases.
Professional Lawn Disease Treatment
Many different lawn diseases can make your grass unsightly or actually damage it quite severely. Diseases are usually caused by fungi, insects, and certain weather conditions.
With a multitude of DIY products on the market for lawn disease control, it can be difficult to know which one is right for your yard’s specific situation. You will need to know the type of grass that you have, what type of disease is affecting the grass, and then apply the product in the correct manner. Thus, for the best and fastest results, we always recommend having a professional handle lawn disease treatment. This cuts down the time it takes you to try to figure out the issue and a solution on your own. Our experienced technicians are familiar with every type of disease and pest that may threaten your yard and we can work to eliminate the problem and prevent it from coming back.
The most common lawn disease treatments we perform include:
Brown Patch Treatment
When there are circular, thinned patches of light brown grass. When disease conditions are favorable, large areas of the lawn may be uniformly thinned and eventually killed. It can develop rapidly when temperatures are warm (75 to 90 °F) and humid, especially on cool-season grasses (fescue, ryegrass, and bluegrass), but can also occur during warmer periods of the winter months. Warm-season grasses (St. Augustine grass, zoysia grass, bermudagrass, and centipede grass) are most commonly affected by this during the early spring and late fall.
Dollar Spot Treatment
Results in straw-colored spots about the size of a silver dollar (2 to 6 inches diameter) on closely mowed turf. Grass in affected areas may die and the spots may merge to form larger irregular patches. The fungus that causes dollar spot lawn disease does best in temperatures between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit, and it loves a combination of humid air and dry soil.
Fairy Ring Treatment
How this disease develops is shrouded in mystery. It will either cause a necrotic zone (where your grass is declining or dead) or a rapid growth zone (where your grass is more lush and green than the rest of your lawn). Fairy rings can appear on lawns as a perfect circle of mushrooms or a circle of deep green grass that grows faster than the rest. It can also look like a circle within a circle or a partial arc.
Grey Leaf Spot Treatment
Causes severe damage primarily on St. Augustinegrass, but tall fescue may also be damaged. It will create leaf spots on grass blades that are tan to gray with purple to brown margins. When severe, the entire planting may appear a brownish color or scorched. It most commonly occurs during warm, rainy periods in the summer.
Lawn Rust Treatment
A fungal disease that occurs on turf grasses (most commonly on bluegrass, fescue, ryegrass, and zoysiagrass). Affected lawns will have tiny orange to reddish-brown flecks on grass blades. When the outbreak is especially severe, affected patches of the lawn turn orange or reddish in color and become thin and weak. Rust fungi thrive in warm, humid conditions and develop most frequently on lawns that are stressed by drought, low nitrogen, and shade.
Powdery Mildew Treatment
Where a white or greyish powdery substance covers the leaves, stems, and flower buds of a plant. It can devastate your trees and lawn—photosynthesis is obstructed, nutrients are underutilized, growth is stunted, and finally, the plant becomes overwhelmed and dies. Different fungal species are behind this disease, but it typically prefers warm, dry climates and humid areas that are constantly under stress.
Helminthosporium Leaf Spot Treatment
It involves the production of spores during the growing season, infecting not just wet leaf blades but possibly humans who inhale them in considerable quantities. It leaves the appearance of thin, lifeless patches of grass, but each type of turfgrass can have additional symptoms. It progresses faster when hot, dry weather cycles with extended periods of humidity, typically in temperatures ranging from 30 to 85 degrees F. However, spores can be produced and infection can occur only when the leaf has been wet for long hours.
Spring Dead Spot Treatment
This fungal disease affects bermudagrass and can attack the lawn’s roots, crown, stolons, and rhizomes by completely rotting these plant parts in the fall and predisposes the lawn to winter kill. It will appear as bleached-out, circular patches of dead turf ranging from a few inches to several feet in diameter but tend to get worse each year. Weeds can also be seen colonizing the weakened or dead patches.
Contact Us for Disease Control
Having a lush, healthy yard that is free from disease takes time and effort but often, you have other priorities. Leave it to our team of lawn care experts to do the hard work for you! Contact Fairway Lawns today for lawn disease control you can count on.