Yes, even your lawn needs some cleaning! Start by raking out dead grass and dead remnants of annual grassy weeds. Pick up any sticks or other debris that have accumulated on the lawn over winter.
Put our experienced lawn technicians to work in your yard.
Weed control, fertilizer, tree & shrub care, lawn aeration, insect control…our team has it covered when it comes to keeping your yard healthy.
Trust us for exceptional year-round solutions.
Lawn care expertise and support for all four seasons.
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Lawn Care Schedule
Lawn Care Schedule – No matter the size of your home, a lush green lawn helps it shine in all its glory. In addition to giving you the bragging rights for exceptional landscaping, it also improves your home’s curb appeal. That’s why a healthy lawn often tops the list of priorities for all types of homeowners.
But maintaining an ideal lawn isn’t limited to watering the grass or trimming the shrubs once in a while. For your lawn to show off its healthy glow, you need to care for it throughout the year. Reaching out to the lawn care experts at Fairway Lawns can help you achieve this feat! We can help make your lawn stand out for all the right reasons. You can trust us to provide professional lawn care services and exceptional solutions all year-round.
Seasonal Lawn Care
Whether you want to nurture your lawn through the summer or protect it through the winter, there are certain tasks that need to be completed to ensure your lawn is getting the care it needs according to the weather it has to endure. Here’s everything you need to know about seasonal lawn care:
Lawn Care Schedule

Spring Lawn Care
Spring translates to the blooming season for your lawn, trees, and shrubs, but it is also the period where you look into trimming your grass and preventing the growth of weeds. We can help you prepare your lawn for the joyful season of growth.
Spring lawn care activities include the following:
Adjusting your mower deck height and positioning it to cut at a higher setting in the spring encourages grass to grow thicker with deeper roots, creating a lawn of healthy grass that will help to crowd out weeds. Mowing heights vary according to grass type. Don’t know your grass type’s mowing height? Check out our table here.
Spring is a great time to fertilize your grass and feed your lawn; however, making sure you use the right type and amount of fertilizer is crucial. With our Lawn Treatment Program, a Fairway Lawns technician can ensure your lawn has just what it needs with granular and/or liquid fertilizer applications.
Spring is the season for weed growth. Our Lawn Treatment Program includes weed-controlling liquid spray applications that kill weeds without harming grass.
Warm-season grasses such as Bermuda, zoysia, centipede grass, and St. Augustine perform the best when aerated in the spring or summer. We offer liquid aeration with Sup-R-Soil, which reaches deeper soil and loosens it better than other lawn aeration tools can.

Summer Lawn Care
Summer is when warm-season grasses thrive and cool-season grasses dial back on their growth. But in both cases, the increased heat and dryness in the air require you to pay attention to hydration and other critical aspects.
Summer lawn care activities include the following:
Hydrating your lawn doesn’t mean that you drench it in water, but depending on your location, it may need more to quench its thirst. Our lawn care professionals can help you understand just how much water your grass needs to stay hydrated. Make sure you water your lawn in the early morning before the temperature warms and the sun evaporates the water (between 4 a.m. and 8 a.m.) and also water long enough to wet the soil several inches down (about 15-30 minutes per zone).
As mentioned, warm-season grasses can be aerated in the spring or summer. If you haven’t had our team perform liquid aeration in late spring, make sure to contact us as soon as summer starts.
As another standard care tip between both seasons, you must continue fertilizing your lawn while it’s warm and sunny outside. Our Lawn Treatment Program includes fertilizer applications throughout the year depending on your location and lawn’s needs.
Sharpen mower blades at least once a season to ensure a clean cut on individual blades of grass, which helps reduce moisture loss.

Fall Lawn Care
Fall brings cooler temperatures and more moisture to the ground. Cool-season grasses enjoy a period of growth while warm-season grasses take a break from working hard during spring and summer.
Fall lawn care activitities include the following:
This is the time to prepare your lawn for the weather ahead and conduct overseeding on both warm- and cool-season grasses. Fairway Lawns offer fall overseeding services in the Tulsa (OK); Fort Smith and Springdale (AR); Memphis (TN), Huntsville (AL), and Greenville (SC) areas.
Aerating your cool-season grasses (like fescue, rye, and bluegrass) during fall is critical for a lush green lawn. We recommend doing this at the same time as overseeding.
In case your soil is more acidic than its ideal level, you may need to amend its pH balance using lime. Depending on your area, our Lawn Treatment Program may include granular lime applications.
This is a simple yet crucial job throughout the season. Mats of fallen leaves suffocate lawns by preventing sunlight and air from reaching the grass, thus making it more susceptible to diseases. Lawn Care Schedule – Use a rake or blower to collect the leaves and add them to a compost pile, or go over them with a mulcher or mulching mower and chop them into a fine compost for your grass.
This is important for cool-season grasses because they grow most strongly in fall. With fall fertilization, you’re feeding the active roots and giving them even more nutrients to store for winter. Lawn Care Schedule – Our team will provide just the right amount of fertilizer to prepare your lawn for the coming colder season with our Lawn Treatment Program.

Winter Lawn Care
Due to the increased dryness in some areas and the snow in others, winter lawn care is quite tricky for the warm-season and cool-season grasses. That’s why it’s important to employ targeted maintenance for your lawn according to your grass and weather. With our team’s extensive knowledge and experience, we can help keep your grass, trees, and shrubs healthy during these challenging conditions.
Winter lawn care activities include the following:
While warm-season grasses go dormant, cool-season grasses will need consistent trimming. This includes regular mowing practices that keep your grass in shape.
The best way to prevent your grass from developing bare spots or patches is by keeping excessive winter debris, such as leaves and fallen tree limbs, off your lawn.
Our Lawn Treatment Program includes a winter pre-emergent weed control application that prevents weeds from popping up come spring.