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Home Gardening Sales on the Rise

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Gardening Sales on the Rise

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The market for lawn and gardening supplies in 2014 came in at a steady $5.7 billion for the U.S., but market and research companies predict quite a jump in sales in the next few years. If the predictions play out, there will be a 16% increase to $6.6 billion in 2019.

So, what do they attribute to the increase?

Gardening for Curb Appeal. Consumers are viewing lawn treatment and gardens as a great way to maintain and increase home value. Outdoor beautification projects are a less expensive way to accomplish this.

Gardening for Health. Americans are more concerned with where their food is grown, especially Millenials. According to the Garden Writers Association Foundation, 58% of Americans plan to grow edible plants, whether in urban or rural areas.

Gardening for the Environment. Along with an increased awareness of edible education through Internet research comes the knowledge of environmental issues. The desire to care for the world in the present to better it for the future by gardening can be done without a huge yard to reduce climate change and waste reduction.

Lawn treatments are the first step towards a healthier, more receptive place to grow your plants and vegetables. If you’re interested in lawn treatments, would like to know more about grass types, lawn trends, or weed and pest control, visit our Facebook and Twitter.

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