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Home August Monthly Spotlight: Tennessee

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August Monthly Spotlight: Tennessee


Fairway Lawns is happy to serve 7 states in the southern part of the United States. August’s state special feature is Tennessee!

Tennessee residential lawns make up almost 70% of turf grass acreage. However, since Tennessee is a diverse state ranging from populated cities to remote mountains, the types of turf range as well. The four most common types of grass in Tennessee are 25% Zoysia, 5% Tall Fescue, and 70% Bermudagrass.

There are 11 pests and insects that frequently inhabit Tennessee lawns. These include ants, armyworms/cutworms, yellow jackets, bees/wasps, billbugs, chinch bugs, white grubs, green june beetles, leafhoppers/spittlebugs, mole crickets, and sod webworms.

There are over 100 types of weeds that can affect Tennessee turfs! Since you want to keep your grass looking pristine, call us today to ensure that these weeds stay out of your lawn.