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Home Why Us Branch Manager Spotlight: Jeremy Bennett

Branch Manager Spotlight: Jeremy Bennett

Home Why Us Branch Manager Spotlight: Jeremy Bennett

There’s a better way to care for your lawn.

Meet Jeremy Bennett

Branch Manager

Charleston, South Carolina

Why did you decide to work for Fairway Lawns?

Fairway is a growing company that gave me more opportunity to further my career.

What do you enjoy most about your job at Fairway Lawns?

No work day is exactly the same. A lot goes in to bringing our customers healthy, weed-free lawns. It’s both challenging and rewarding.

What’s the most common mistake you see people make when trying to take care of their lawn treatment themselves?

People doing their own lawn treatments often use too much or too little product, leading to unhealthy and ineffective results.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

My favorite activities include weightlifting, fishing, and relaxing at the beach.

Jeremy Bennett, Branch Manager at Fairway Lawns