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Home Crapemyrtle Bark Scale in Arkansas

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Crapemyrtle Bark Scale in Arkansas

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First seen in Northern Texas back in 2004, the Crapemyrtle Bark Scale (CMBS) has now arrived in Arkansas. This pest has been spreading across the Southeast at an alarming rate from Texas and into Oklahoma, Louisiana, Tennessee and, finally, Arkansas.

In January of this year, this pest was first identified in Little Rock by Jim Soule, a Fairway Lawns Tree and Shrub Specialist. He contacted the local Cooperative Extension Service to have his sightings confirmed, which can be viewed at the University of Arkansas-Division of Agriculture website here.

Think your crapemyrtles may be infested? CCMBS can be identified by small, shell-like flakes on the twigs and trunks of crape myrtles. They are often white or gray in color. Most homeowners may not notice a problem with their crapemyrtles until they see a black, sooty mold appearance, which is often misdiagnosed as an aphid infestation.

Control of this pest can be difficult, though the University of Arkansas suggests the following:

  • Wash the trunk and limbs with a soft brush, using a mild solution of dish soap.
  • A winter treatment of dormant oil applied to the bark of the plant.
  • Drenching the root zone with a systemic insecticide between May to July.

If you notice any Crapemyrtle Bark Scale or symptoms of (CMBS) in your landscape, call Fairway Lawns today for a free quote to help control this problem pest.

Thank you to Jim Milliman of Fairway Lawns for the article!