The Better Lawn Blog
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The Top 10 Spookiest Fairway Lawns
October 17, 2019Halloween is a fun time full of costume wearing, apple bobbing, pumpkin carving, and showing off your beautiful Fairway lawns to trick-or-treaters and their families.
And what better way to spook your neighbors than to decorate with the creepiest, crawliest All Hallow’s Eve decorations on the block! Here are some of our favorites!
10.Pirates, ghosts and buried treasure. Would you dare walking up to this spooky house?
9. These four spooky ghost stand guard against would be egg throwers and toilet paper tossers.
8. Good luck sneaking up onto this porch for your late night halloween treat.
7. At least this yard has a spooky warning of what’s to come. We think we’ll pass on this yard…
6. These creepy, crawly 8-legged creatures are guarding the delicious candy inside.
5. Watch your head as you run up to get your treats from this spooky place
4. Looking for a place to stay this halloween season? We’d recommend Haunted Estates.
3. One of the scariest houses on our list that’s sure to make you think twice about dropping by.
2. Looks like you’ll have to fight through skeletons, jack-o-lanterns and spider webs to get your sweet treats this Halloween.
1. These spooky friends decided to stay in and enjoy an evening on their beautifully manicured fairway lawns. Don’t forget to take care of your lawn during the holiday season and call us with any questions that you have.
As always, treat your lawn carefully when decorating your Fairway lawns and call us with any questions or concerns!