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Home A Spring Guide to Lawn Diseases

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A Spring Guide to Lawn Diseases


Fold up your sweaters, dig out your sunglasses and race outdoors because spring has sprung! The most sunny season of the year has returned, sicknesses and all. Before you reach for your tissues, let us elaborate– we aren’t talking about the kind of sicknesses that your local drugstore can help with. Learn about the top four lawn diseases to guard your grass against this spring.

Spring Dead Spot

Beginning in the fall, this bermuda grass killer goes undetected during cold months, with the evidence of its destruction not appearing until grass loses its dormancy. Once it appears though, you won’t be able to deny the damage. Spring Dead Spot disease’s round, bleach-like patches are known to re-appear, season after season, in the same location.

Powdery Mildew

Does your lawn look like someone spilled a jumbo bottle of baby powder in it? Maybe they did, but most likely you have powdery mildew. Thankfully, this early-spring disease looks worse than it is. It attacks bluegrass, fescue and bermuda when shaded, and eventually turns the leaves of your luscious lawn yellow, before killing them entirely.

Fairy Rings

Believed to be a sign of good luck and fortune in European fairytales, homeowners who have hosted this mythical disease would beg to differ. Whether as a perfect circle of mushrooms or a circle of dark, rapidly-growing grass, this enchanted disease appears year after year, in the same locations on a lawn. In fact, they occur bigger and better as time goes on. Just ask residence of Belfort, France, home of the largest rings ever found– it’s about 2,000 feet in diameter!

Brown Patch

The name says it all for this lawn disease. Topping the charts as the most common, destructive and widely spread lawn care dilemma, brown patches don’t discriminate against many grass types, and opts instead, to attack nearly all of them. Although easy to identify once noticed, this sneaky disease is known for its ability to go undetected until an outbreak has occurred yard-wide.

If your lawn catches a case of one of these diseases, don’t fear! Our lawn technicians have the experience and services needed to nurse it back to health and help return your lawn to being the greenest lawn on the block.