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Home Month-to-Month Lawncare Checklist

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Month-to-Month Lawncare Checklist

Join the Fairway family

2018 has been rung in, and from cutting carbs to saving money, resolutionists everywhere have taken action. Here at Fairway Lawns though, our New Year’s resolution is the same that it’s been since 1979– to continue to provide our customers with the healthiest, greenest, weed-free yards on the block. In fact, we’re so committed to this goal that we’re providing you with a month to month checklist of how to make this happen.


You’ve hit “refresh” on your year, and now it’s time to do the same with your garden. Take this first month of 2018 to dig up annuals and plant debris while the weather is still chilly. With those issues addressed, your garden will be mildew-free, clear and ready for plants once spring has sprung.


Consider the “month of love” as an evaluative one. With only 28 days on the calendar, it’s the perfect amount of time to take a quick overview of your yard. Be on the lookout for green sprouts rising higher than dormant grass. This isn’t spring making an early entrance– these are weeds. Contact us to get your first application for only $24.95.


Spring’s chilly temperatures may not be ideal for us southerners, but it’s the perfect weather that your lawn needs to prepare for summer months around the corner. During this time of year, we treat our customers’ lawns with pre-emergent crabgrass control now, so that the crabgrass seeds that would normally sprout in summer, don’t ever take root.


With winter now a thing of the past, remove and replace the layer of mulch you used to insulate your plants from frosty weather. This removes the disease spores and insects that have chosen your yard to overwinter in.

Then, dust off the lawn mower because it’s time to give your grass a fresh haircut! Make sure your blades are sharp, and remove only 1/3 of grass blades at a time.


As the saying goes, “April showers bring May flowers,” and it’s 100% correct! Finish planting your summer annuals this month, then, turn your attention to your lawn. Your dormant, winter grass has likely returned to its normal shade of bright green, and we imagine you’d like to keep it that way! Keep your lawn nutrient-packed, green and growing with our treatment program.


Summer’s finally hit, and it brought the sweltering heat with it. During this time of year, it’s especially important to water the right way. Make sure your grass is receiving about 1-1 1/2 inches of water per week. Learn how to measure this amount to prevent over or under-watering here.


Similar to the months before and after it, July’s main lawncare issue is making sure that it’s kept well-watered. Don’t overcompensate, by watering too much though! Drenching your lawn won’t make your lawncare problems disappear. In fact, this technique could lead to a surge of weeds, bugs, fungi and diseases.


As you continue to monitor your lawn’s water intake, be on the lookout for discolored patches or an increase in bird traffic to your home. These are both signs of an armyworm invasion.


Resist the temptation of letting all of your trees’ leaves fall before hunting for your rake. Not only does this make raking more difficult, but it also allows moisture to collect on leaves, suffocating your lawn and creating an environment primed for fungal diseases.


Winter’s around the corner, and your time to quit mowing is nearing. Don’t try to wait it out! Instead, continue mowing 1/3 of your lawn’s grass blades at a time until your growth has slowed to a stop.


Between fall’s rainstorms, cooler weather and decreased sunlight, your plants will need less attention during this time of year. Adjust your watering schedule to prevent waterlogging.


Don’t start dreaming of a white Christmas just yet. Make sure your irrigation system is winterized by shutting off your water and removing the back flow preventer. Then, insulate your pipes with a faucet-cover or a protective covering to further freeze-proof your system.

Between this year-long plan and our high-quality standards performed by expert technicians, we’re confident that our New Year’s resolution will continue to be a success for years to come.