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Fairway’s Quick Guide to Weeds
June 24, 2021
The grass is finally green again, winter’s chilly temperatures are a distant memory and “April showers” have already begun. It’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for. Spring has finally arrived. Unfortunately, warm weather often comes with another “W” word– weeds. Learn about some of the most common undesirables that we often find in our southern locations.
Although dandelions might be the prettiest weed to look at, you shouldn’t neglect these flower-like foes. With leafless stalks and yellow petals that turn into white fluff, these weeds are persistent. They return to the same place year after year, and as a hostess gift, they bring new weed seeds with them.

Annual Bluegrass
Whether you refer to it as bluegrass, meadow grass, poa or simply “annoying,” you could agree that this weed puts up one of the toughest fights. Resembling miniature grains of wheat, annual bluegrass spreads easily and causes an unsightly look in residential yards.

No list would be complete without “the vine that ate the south”– kudzu. This popular and widely-spread weed was brought to the U.S. in the 1930s to control erosion, but the good idea went bad when it began setting records for rapid growth.

If you have areas in your yard with bare soil, water and sunlight; it’s likely you have crabgrass too. This pesky, quickly-growing weed often goes unnoticed until late summer when it looks its worst. Winter will naturally kill it temporarily, but, since it’s an annual grass, it’ll be back and better than ever next summer if left untreated.

White Clover
They say it’s good luck if you find a four-leafed clover, but we’re willing to bet your lawn disagrees. With white and pink flowers that bud from bright green clover leaves, white clover is most often found in lawns with thin grass and nutrient-poor soil.
Don’t surrender your lawn to weeds. Schedule your free estimate with Fairway Lawns to see how our exclusive lawn treatment program maximizes the grass you have while significantly reducing your weeds.