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Home Heavy Rains Green Lawns; Lower Temperatures

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Heavy Rains Green Lawns; Lower Temperatures

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The unusually mild temperatures and heavy rains in states east of the Mississippi makes it hard to believe we are actually in what is usually the hottest and driest part of summer. For many towns around Arkansas, not only was it the coldest July on record but several counties have had flash flood warnings. With fall just around the corner, one may wonder how miserable the weather is going to be when the it starts to get cold!

For those west of the Mississippi, the threat of drought is still ever present. However, our branch in Oklahoma has managed to make it through the summer with above-average rainfall, even entering into August without a triple-digit high temperature. All this rain means a lush, green lawn for you (and a lower water bill!), but it also means higher than average numbers of mosquitoes are out – even during the middle of the day. The extra moisture on plants in the evening may also lead to disease, so be mindful of any mildew or abnormal areas in your landscaping. Heat- and dry-loving plants may also be slow to grow this year.

The extra rainfall has caused this bizarre phenomenon in Alabama; this home-owners yard turned into a giant waterbed after only a few inches of a rain! View the video here!