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Home Heat Alert: Don’t Let A Southern Summer Sizzle Your Lawn

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Heat Alert: Don’t Let A Southern Summer Sizzle Your Lawn

Heat Wave

As Peggy Lee famously sung – “Fever in the morning, fever all through the night.” Do we actually think everyone in America is sick right now? No, of course not! It just feels like it with this sizzlin’ summer heatwave! It can be difficult to remember to stay hydrated as temperatures climb steadily into triple digits, but it’s incredibly important for you AND your lawn to take in more water. Here are some obvious and not-so-obvious tips to help your lawn survive the summer.

H20!   It’s not always necessary to water every day. The more important factors are how deep you water and what time of day. It’s best to get about 1.5 to 2 inches of water into the soil of your lawn per week and it’s best to water very early in the morning before the sun can evaporate the moisture. The best time to set your irrigation system is between 4:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m.

Mow   It’s ok to let the grass grow just a bit higher. Higher grass can handle a drought better and can allow for a deeper root growth.

Fertilize   Believe it or not, fertilizing is an exact and delicate science. Fairway Lawns are experts when it comes to how many times a year fertilization is necessary and what kinds to use for each season and type of grass. This is something we don’t recommend taking on yourself without proper guidance.

Insects and Diseases   Heat waves are the perfect breeding grounds for fungal diseases and insects. These guys like to play hide and seek. They stay hidden until it’s too late and the damage has been done. It’s best to consult with a Fairway Lawns expert on grub preventives and ask about a plan to aerate and seed in the fall.