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Home Lawn 101 Lawn Diseases Dollar Spot Lawn Disease

Dollar Spot Lawn Disease

We understand that trust is grown through the results we deliver.

Our technicians help identify and treat lawn diseases, like: brown patch, dollar spot, fairy ring, gray leaf spot fungus, rust, powdery mildew and spring dead spot.

Home Lawn 101 Lawn Diseases Dollar Spot Lawn Disease

Know how to protect your lawn’s health.

Avoid disease destruction with these dollar spot tips.

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Dollar Spot Lawn Disease

Dollar Spot Lawn Disease – The desire for a lush green lawn is nearly universal, but it is not always easy to keep your grass beautiful and healthy all season long. Like it or not, your lawn is at risk of some damaging diseases, including the one known as Dollar Spot. Dollar spot is caused by the fungus, Sclerotinia homoeocarpa and it can affect a variety of turfgrasses.

The lawn care professionals at Fairway Lawns can help treat dollar spot and get your lawn back to looking its best! Contact us today!

Dollar Spot lawn disease

What Does Dollar Spot Look Like?

Dollar spot leaves your formerly immaculate lawn looking brown and dry, taking it from a flawless outdoor landscape to an unsightly patchwork. It is this patchwork appearance that gives dollar spot its name.

If dollar spot disease is affecting your lawn, you will notice:

  • Straw-colored spots about the size of a silver dollar (2 to 6 inches diameter) on closely mowed turf.
  • Grass in affected areas may die and the spots may merge to form larger, irregular patches.
  • In coarse-textured grass that is cut high, the dead spots are larger.
  • Leaf blades that have light tan spots with reddish-brown margins.
  • Early in the morning, you may be able to see a cobweb-like growth of the fungus over the infected area.

If you see these dollar spot symptoms on your property, Fairway Lawns can help! Extensive treatment with a fungicide may be necessary for dollar spot control and our lawn care experts can inspect your yard and determine the right course of action. If thatch is more than a half-inch, the lawn should be dethatched to remove excess. Whether fungicide treatment or dethatching is necessary, we can help restore your yard to its former glory!

Dollar Spot Prevention

As with many other lawn diseases, prevention is the best defense against dollar spot. If you want to prevent the damage and unsightliness of dollar spot, start by knowing the conditions the fungus needs to thrive.

The fungus that causes dollar spot lawn disease does best when the air temperature is between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit, temps that are common in most parts of the country. The dollar spot fungus loves a combination of humid air and dry soil. So if your soil is particularly dry due to drought or other local conditions, dollar spot can easily take over, especially if the humidity is very high. Watering your lawn frequently during the early morning or late evening hours can combat the combination of moist air and dry soil and denies the dollar spot fungus the conditions it needs to propagate.

The fungus that spreads dollar spot disease can also move from lawn to lawn, carried on clippings and other plant debris. Bagging your lawn clippings and asking your neighbors to do the same can stop the infection from spreading, so you can get a handle on the situation.

Another way to reduce your lawn’s risk of getting dollar spot disease is with professional lawn treatment services that include regular fertilization and aeration services. The experts at Fairway Lawns can inspect your yard and develop the right treatment plan to keep your grass beautiful and healthy.

Lawn Treatment Service

If your lawn is suffering from dollar spot, contact the lawn disease treatment experts at Fairway Lawns to get your yard healthy once more!