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Home Is Your Lawn Safe for Reindeer?

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Is Your Lawn Safe for Reindeer?

FL reindeerblog

Just like the old song says, Santa Claus is coming to town! What did the song leave out? He’s bringing his eight, four legged friends with him. If the big guy mistakenly lands on your recently-treated lawn this season, will his pals Dasher, Dancer, Prancer and Vixen be safe?

Reassure Rudolph

Although we recommend that children and pets (even magical ones) stay off the yard for about thirty minutes following our liquid sprays, this is simply an additional safety measure we request in case one of your loves ones has a particular allergy. Since safety is priority #1 at Fairway Lawns, all of the products we use from weed control to Sup-R-Soil to pest control, are EPA approved.

So if your roof pitch is problematic and Santa decides to park in the front of your home, don’t worry about his pets waiting while he’s working. Through the years, we’ve found that some clients like to leave their pets outdoors while we’re doing our applications, and others feel better to leave them inside or in the garage when we’re on our way. Whatever you choose, deck the halls, prepare for Santa’s landing and contact us today for your first application for only $24.95.

is your lawn reindeer ready?