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Home Lawn Care MythBusters

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Lawn Care MythBusters

Fairway lawns mythbusters

Between DIY guides, life hacks and the endless supply of information floating around the worldwide web; we’ve heard a lot of bold claims throughout our over 40 years of service. Sure, some of it is true, but the rest? Not so much. Read on to learn what At-Home myths hold merit– and which ones are ready to be busted.

Myth #1: Baking soda will stop my weeds in their tracks.

Reality: This is true. Baking soda will in fact kill your weeds. The only catch? It doesn’t discriminate! Since this powdery substance is a drying agent, it will do just that; sucking the water out of weeds and healthy plants alike.

Myth #2: Beer will help my lawn grow lush and green.

Reality: Hold that six pack. Yes, beer does contain yeast and certain carbohydrates that could benefit soil, but that’s a costly way to see mediocre results. There are much more effective products on the market, like our exclusive Sup-R-Soil treatments, that won’t attract bugs or the judgmental looks from confused neighbors.

Myth #3: Boiling water is the solution to my weed problems.

Reality: Admittedly, this myth is somewhat true. Though it won’t stop your weeds from re-emerging in the future, boiling water will kill unwanted leaves and weeds at the surface level. If you have some stubborn plants peeking through the cracks in your sidewalk or driveway, this may be a quick and easy way to kick them to the curb.

Myth #4: My dish detergent will kill the bugs eating my plants.

Reality: Since dish detergent is created for dirty dishes, it’s chemically made to dissolve fats, oils and waxes from your leftover dinner. When this comes into contact with your plants though, that chemical reaction continues to take place. The result? Your once-pretty plants are left with no protective coating and at a high risk of diseases and even more pest problems.

While we love the idea of homeowners being passionate enough about their lawns that they’d be willing to empty their pantry, refrigerator or wallet to care for it; our team at Fairway has a much easier way. Our exclusive treatment program applies the right balance of high-performing weed control and fertilizer to deliver a greener, healthier yard and a happier you. Contact us today!

we've got the dirt on lawn care myths