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Home Services Special Lawn Services

Special Lawn Services

Put our experienced lawn technicians to work in your yard.

Grubs, fire ants, mosquitoes, fleas and ticks; we help keep them all off your lawn.

Home Services Special Lawn Services

Your yard deserves special treatment!

Keeping lawns beautiful, safe and comfortable takes extra effort.

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Special Lawn Services

Your yard deserves special treatment and the lawn experts at Fairway Lawns are here to help you maintain a high level of lawn health. Special Lawn Services – When you work with us, you’ll receive added value services that enhance your yard and take care of insects, pests, overseeding and disease management.

Lawn Treatment Services - Jacksonville

The right team at the right time

The cool nights and mild, shorter days in the fall provide the ideal conditions for overseeding. Grass seed is better able to retain moisture and seedlings thrive without the extreme heat that occurs in the summer months.

More about overseeding

Fall Overseeding

All cool season grass should be overseeded each fall to keep it thick and lush. Unlike warm season grass, fescue, rye, and bluegrass don’t spread. Seeding it each fall will ensure that your shade grass stays nice and thick.

Many areas that we service are in a transitional zone, which means that it’s too hot for these shade grass types. It will look nice in the spring, but when the heat of summer hits it, some of it will die back, which makes fall overseeding that much more important!

If you have shade grass in your lawn and don’t want to do the fall overseeding yourself, please call us for a free estimate. We usually do overseedings in mid-to-late September.

We will select the best type of seed for your area, mechanically aerate your shade areas, and seed those areas properly. The mechanical aeration helps incorporate the seed into the soil. Learn more about our aeration services here.

Market availability:

Tulsa, Fort Smith, Springdale, Memphis, Huntsville, and Greenville areas.

Get Started

These bugs are bad news for your lawn.

A little knowledge can go a long way in controlling pests.

Many insects can destroy your lawn and even threaten your loved ones’ health. Fewer bugs mean more beauty and safety. With our special insect control treatments, we can help rid your yard of the pests that are causing damage to your lawn or bringing discomfort to you and your family.

  • Tick 1

    Flea & Tick

    Ticks have become more than a nuisance pest in recent years.

    Market availability

    Little Rock, Conway, Fort Smith, Springdale, Tulsa, and Birmingham areas.

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  • mole cricket

    Mole Crickets

    Mole crickets are serious pests in Georgia and South Carolina.

    Market availability

    Augusta, Columbia, Charleston, Greenville and Jacksonville areas.

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  • Grub


    Lawn grubs are the larvae of Japanese beetles, June beetles, and others.

    Market availability

    All service areas.

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  • Ant

    Fire Ants

    Fire ants have become the number one insect problem in the south.

    Market availability

    Little Rock, Columbia, Conway, Ft. Smith, Memphis, Huntsville, and Birmingham areas.

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